The process of disposing of alcohol and its products is one that should never be taken lightly. There are many different types of alcohol that exist, each requiring specific processes for proper disposal. It is important to know how to dispose of alcohol in order to ensure safety and compliance with regulatory agencies. 

ShapiroE is here to help you navigate this complicated and often confusing situation by providing you with expert guidance on how to best dispose of your alcoholic beverages, along with step-by-step instructions on how to do so. 

The 3 main types of non-merchantable alcohol

If you have alcohol products that have exceeded their sell-by date, you may be wondering what to do with them. We will take a look at the three main types of non-merchantable alcohol, how they can be disposed of, and what to keep in mind when handling and managing them. 

Rubbing alcohol disposal

Rubbing alcohol (otherwise known as isopropyl alcohol) is a type of strong alcohol that contains 70% to 90% ethanol and is generally found in a variety of disinfectants and cleaning products. It is classified as hazardous liquid waste and is a highly flammable liquid. Therefore, it should be disposed of properly and carefully. 

How to dispose of rubbing alcohol

Although it is generally acceptable to dilute rubbing alcohol with water and dispose of it down the sink if it is in small quantities (not more than 2 bottles), it is still not the most environmentally friendly solution. 

The best way to dispose of unwanted rubbing alcohol is by taking it to an approved disposal facility. 

What to keep in mind

The fumes from rubbing alcohol are dangerous to breathe in and can cause serious damage to your lungs. Make sure you have proper ventilation in your workspace by opening windows or turning on fans before emptying out any containers of rubbing alcohol, and ensure that you wear gloves to protect your skin. 

Spoiled & out of date drinking alcohol disposal

Spoiled alcohol is any product that has become unfit for drinking. This could be due to contamination, expiration, or simply too much time in storage. 

How to dispose of spoiled drinking alcohol

Just like rubbing alcohol, it is generally acceptable to dispose of small amounts (not more than 2-3 bottles) of water-diluted drinking alcohol down the drain. However, for larger quantities, it poses a serious problem in polluting local waterway systems. 

What to keep in mind

Beverage companies and distributors should always remember that they are responsible for safely disposing expired drinking alcohol. This applies to beverage disposal (both empty and full containers), and beer kegs.

Denatured alcohol disposal

Denatured alcohol is a type of alcohol that has been mixed with chemicals in order to render it unfit for human consumption. It is commonly used in the manufacturing of products such as antifreeze, paint thinners, and nail polish remover. 

How to dispose of denatured alcohol

If you are in possession of a large amount of denatured alcohol, it must be disposed of appropriately. The key to disposing of this type of alcohol safely is using proper containment and transportation methods. 

  • Protect your eyes and hands before handling any alcohol waste. If possible, wear long sleeves for added protection from any splashes caused by mishandling during transport or disposal procedures.
  • Never pour denatured alcohol down the drain or into a sink or toilet; instead, pour it into a sealable leak-proof container.
  • If you don’t have any containers handy, wrap the denatured alcohol with heavy-duty plastic wrap and tape over it as an extra precaution against leaking.
  • Once the liquid has been transferred to its storage container, keep it somewhere safe until you can dispose of it properly by taking it to an approved disposal site. 

What to keep in mind

Denatured alcohol is a toxic substance that can harm you and the environment if it’s not disposed of properly. You should also never store denatured alcohol in an open container or pour it down a drain or sink, as this can cause serious fire hazards or damage to your plumbing system. 

For companies looking to dispose of large quantities of any alcohol-based product, it is important that you are aware of your local laws regarding the disposal of hazardous waste. All states have different rules regarding this type of waste, so make sure you know what is required in your area. 

Working with professionals who have experience disposing of alcohol will help ensure that the process is done safely and efficiently, which can save you time and money in the long run. 

Top 6 Business Benefits of Secure & Efficient Alcohol Disposal

Among the many benefits of choosing a secure and efficient alcohol disposal company, there are 6 major benefits that stand out: 

1. Reduce environmental impact:

Your business may not be directly responsible for contaminating soil or water sources, but even if it does so indirectly through its waste disposal practices, then this can still harm other people who live nearby or use those natural resources themselves. By implementing an innovative system for disposing of alcohol waste, your company can drastically reduce its environmental impact in more ways than one. 

2. Improved efficiency

You’ll be able to free up time and resources by outsourcing your alcohol disposal needs to a reliable company. You won’t have to worry about handling hazardous waste or dealing with the costs of safely disposing of it.

3. Reduce waste disposal costs and increase profitability 

Disposing of unmarketable alcohol in an appropriate way can help you reduce these costs by reducing the amount of waste produced by your business operations, as well as allowing you to avoid paying fees for its disposal or recycling. This can help keep your company’s overall cost of operation down and make it easier for you to compete with other businesses in the same industry. 

4. Increase safety and avoid liability:

Unsafe handling practices have been known to lead to accidents, injuries, and environmental damage—and even death in some cases! By choosing an established company that offers secure disposal solutions, you’ll ensure your business is protected against these risks.

5. Increase your reputation as a responsible business. 

By disposing of hazardous substances in an appropriate manner, you will be demonstrating to the public that you take your environmental responsibilities seriously and are committed to reducing the impact of your business operations on the environment. 

6. Help with compliance

By disposing of hazardous waste materials properly, you reduce the risk of prosecution from occurring due to non-compliance with current regulations. This means that there is less chance that your company could be held responsible for any environmental incidents that result from improper disposal practices and therefore face substantial fines or even imprisonment for those responsible for any wrongdoing.

Steps involved in proper alcohol recycling

If you have large amounts of waste, you may want to hire a company that specializes in recycling and disposal services for alcohol-based products. There are several options for recycling and disposing of this waste, depending on the size of your business and how much waste you generate. However, the general workflow is as follows: 

  • The first step is to collect all of your waste products in one place. This could be a designated area of your store or an area outside where trucks can pick up the waste.  
  • Collecting the waste alcohol. This is done with a special container that is designed to keep the alcohol from mixing with other liquids.  
  • Transporting the waste alcohol to a recycling facility. The container used for collecting the waste should also be used for transporting it, as it can be reused for this purpose.  
  • Disposing of the collected waste at a recycling facility. When taking this step, you should make sure that you have all of your paperwork in order so that you can prove compliance. 
  • The recycling facility will then process it into new products such as fuel or fertilizer

Contact ShapiroE for professional alcohol disposal services

If you’re looking for the most cost-effective and environmentally sound alcohol and organic waste recycling solution, ShapiroE is here to help. 

Our team of experts can help you reduce waste and keep your liquid waste disposal process compliant with all local, state, and federal regulations. 

Baily Ramsey, an accomplished marketing specialist, brings a unique blend of anthropological insight and marketing finesse to the digital landscape. Specializing in educational content creation, she creates content for various industries, with a particular interest in environmental initiatives.

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